
Currently browsing: resin
  • Death Cap Mushroom

    Two one-off mushroom sculptures hidden in my neighborhood for Game of Shooms global art scavenger hunt.

  • Inner Beauty

    Custom sculpted two-part mask and stand supporting painted vinyl figure. Exhibited as part of the MadBall All-Star Art Jam at Myplasticheart NYC

  • Midnight and Memories Lost

    These smaller resin and metal editions of The Fall feature subtle finishes and softly curved wings. Mounted into a shadow box with  natural paper backdrop, they exist somewhere between sculpture and specimen.

    Midnight (black resin)
    Memories Lost (wax blackened cold cast bronze and copper)

  • 4 and 20 Black Birds

    Presented as an installation featuring 20 small wall mounted black bird busts and 4 larger birds sitting on a pedestal nearby.

    Some pieces still available via Rotofugi gallery.

    Installation view at Rotofugi Gallery

  • Frobs

    Frobs are usually peaceful and passive creatures, but will not hesitate to defend their natural habitat whenever threatened.

    Starting out as tiny Tadfrobs, they represent the natural cycle of birth, growth and life in contrast to the Warriors and Red Devil who bring interference, destruction and death.

  • Warriors

    The Warriors were created by and are commanded by the Red Devil. The Warriors were engineered to have no eyes, so that they could not see the real consequences of their actions. They blindly follow orders, both figuratively and literally. Unfortunately for the Red Devil, this also makes them somewhat lousy fighters.

  • the Red Devil

    The Red Devil commands his warriors and their charges in battle against the good forces of the the natural world. His soldiers follow his orders blindly, as they take up arms against all who oppose him. Luckily for us, his army is largely inept.

  • War Dogs

    When the Warriors need some back up in the battle, they call upon their trusty War Dogs to do some of the dirty work for them.

  • Mischiveria

    These leafy little bulbs grow in the shade and prefer to be left alone. They emit a loud screaming sound when picked, and a foul smelling odor when perturbed. They are terrible in salad.

  • Factory M.A.N.

    Factory M.A.N (Mobile Autonomous Node) is capable of fully automated remote natural resource consumption, processing and waste elimination! It’s a perfect system.

  • Extraction Station

    It’s essential to extract the soul at a young age to prevent individual identity expression. These walnut wood extraction stations collect the fresh soul juice via a brass funnel into miniature glass bottles where a collector picks it up for processing and refining. Each color has its own unique properties.

  • Supervisor

    Supervisor (Black) and Assistant Supervisor (Orange) oversee the factory floor, making sure Soul Extraction is executed efficiently and safely. Their protective masks (attached via magnets) protect them from exposure to and inhalation of escaped souls.

  • Kill Kat

    Mmm.. KillKats. Break them in half and share the terror with your friends! These two individual original resin sculptures (in Mostly Evil and Green Tea Terror) started it all!

    Note: This is a parodic work of art, not a food product. This work is not sponsored, endorsed, authorized by, or in any way affiliated with The … Continue reading

  • Kisses of Death

    These original sculptures came in ‘regular’ and ‘dark’, include a set of four matching 1″ mini kisses

    Individual wrapped minis had a 1 in 4 chance of getting a white chase!

    Note: This is a parodic work of art, not a food product. This work is not sponsored, endorsed, authorized by, or in any way affiliated with … Continue reading

  • Glop in a Box : Radioactive Edition

    Project Glop-BX5 – Classified Document
    Incident Report 10.11 : Shipment MPH13

    Upon arrival at project site, manifest check discrepancy was noted. Crate #1027 unaccounted for. Search of immediate area unfruitful. Item is highly radioactive and should be handled as class 3 waste. USE GREAT CAUTION WHEN HANDLING. RETURN TO LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORIES IMMEDIATELY UPON RECOVERY.

    Last seen … Continue reading