Paris 09 – Day 4/5

i see dead people

Saturday morning was a fine time to visit several million dead people in the catacombs below the streets of Paris.

033009-paris3 This left the afternoon for some living people at ARTOYZ Paris.

kidonionMichael and Yann-Claude are great, they even hooked me up with a Kid Onion figure and hoodie. Look for Kid Onion along with their new Elements minis to be hitting US based retailers soon, they are all really nicely done. If you can’t wait, you can always get them direct from France!

More pics and things after the break, but first some important facts I have learned about Paris:

– Every Parisian is required to walk around holding a baguette at least once per day. This is not a stereotype, it is the law.

– Every Parisian has an adorable small dog and an equally adorable small car. Fashion ordinances require that they match (or one of the two will be burned).

– Paris pigeons poop 10 times their body weight daily.

– The Paris Metro is far better than the NYC subway system, except for that pesky “not running late at night” thing.

More pics after the break, or on flickr!

nom nom nom

Signing toys makes me hungry.

face of bo

Later I visited with the Face of Bo.

There was some big metal tower thingy with a bright light on top. must be some sort of dock for dirigibles.

Thank you Paris! Except for the crippling stomach pain, cramps and associated bad things, you’ve been great.